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Brigham Young University



About Us

“BYU has attracted many world class faculty in chemistry, engineering and life sciences. Our engagement with BioUtah includes two primary nodes: The College of Life Sciences and the Technology Transfer Office.
TTO is receiving an average of 80 to 100 new inventions every year, and many are biomed/biotech related. Successful examples from our past licensees include a revolutionary X-ray window to bring higher resolution to X-rays; a world class hearing aid technology and a cure for hairy cell leukemia. Current breakthroughs include diagnostics for Alzheimer’s Disease before any signs of dementia; a developing therapy that will protect you from Alzheimer’s Disease; a compliant replacement disc for spinal implant; a new therapy to cause the immune system to attack cancer cells and a new family of potent anti-microbial compounds. We make licensing a technology easy. We use a one page term sheet and follow it with a draft agreement for your review. Please go to our website at to get full details on available technologies.
The College of Life Sciences is developing many impactful technologies. The college is also training students to enter the biotech workforce and make impactful contributions. In 2022 and again in 2023, Life Sciences students won the Student Innovator of the Year award, a competition supported by the Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology. A goal is to partner with local and national biotechnology companies in training current students and in developing impactful technologies.

Rep/Contact Info

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Michael Stark
Associate Dean, Life Sciences